Activities For Before, During, and After Reading:
before reading...
1. Look at the cover. make predictions about what the book will be about.
2. Flip through the book and talk about each page.
3. Locate various letters through out the book. Choose to hunt by name or sound depending on the skill level of your kiddo.
during reading...
1. Point to each letter as the letter name is read.
2. Stop periodically and inquire about the rhyming words.
3. Encourage your child to chime in and "read" the parts he/she can. This will be from memory at this stage, but that is perfect.
after reading...
1. Color a coconut tree. instead of having all the letters going up the tree, have your child cut out the letters to his/her name and glue them in the correct order under the tree or going down the trunk.
2. Color a tree and have your child cut a specified number of brown circles and glue them onto the tree. (Be sure to review the shape of a circle and talk about it having a curved face and no sides.)
Write a simple sentence below the tree... I have __ coconuts in my tree. Have your child copy of write the numeral in the blank.
Use this page to practice beginning reading. Read the sentence to your child several times pointing at each word as it is read.
When you feel your child is ready, have him/her point to the words and read them to you. Again, do this from memory is a-ok. The more the sentence is read from memory the more likelihood of the words being recognized in another context.
3. Write the above sentence or a similar sentence on a strip of paper. Follow the same reading format as in the above activity.
Once your child can point to the words and "read" them fairly independent count the words as they are read aloud. Practice counting the number of letters in specific words. Have your child cut the sentence into individual words (with your help). Now your child can reassemble the sentence and reread it.
Have your child pick up specified words and then place the word back in the correct location in the sentence.
4. Create a CONCENTRATION game. Choose between 6-10 letters your child needs to recognize and create cards for each letter. You will need to make two sets of the cards.
For example, you will need two As, two Ms, etc. Lay all the cards face down on the playing surface. Have your child flip over 2 cards and name each letter. If the letters match, your child keeps the pair. If not, the cards are flipped back over and play continues. The winner is the player with the most matches at the end of the game.
Ways to Play Concentration:
* match uppercase letters to uppercase letters
* match uppercase letters to lowercase letters
* match a letter with a cut out picture that starts with that letter sound... example: F matches with a face
* name the sound when the card is flipped over instead of the name of the letter
* name a word that begins with that sound when the card is flipped over
5. I have create a letter and sound game for download. It is perfect for alphabet practice.
6. Magnetic letters are fun to sort and begin to spell some basic sight words. Sort the letters by color, size, capital and lowercase, letters or numbers, sticks letters and curve letters, letters that hang below the line and letters that do not, etc.
Write a few words your child would like to know on index cards. For example... mom, dad, cat, dog, like. Have your child make the words out of magnet letters. Discuss the difference between a letter and a word. If the letters on in the correct order... c a t, this is not a word. The letters have to much space between them. These are simply just letters. For the letters placed in this order to be a word, the must be little to know space between each letter... cat.
Note: You can use metal cookie sheets or stove top burner covers as a surface to build words on or to create sorts. If you are going to use the cookie sheet for sorting, painters tape is great. you can tape off the cookie sheet into however many sections you want. The child can place the letters into the various spaces depending on what characteristics the letters have.
I almost forgot. Magnetic letters can also be placed in ABC order. OR... you can name a letter or sound and have your child find that letter. If he/she gets it correct the letter goes in a pile in front of the child. If not, the letter goes in a pile in front of you. Your child wins if he/she gets more letters than mommy.
7. Watch the story come to life with the following You Tube video. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom You Tube Video

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