This is the morning calendar area... at least most of it.

The bins above are only some of the browsing boxes I have for the children to select from.

Sorry the picture is sideways. This is a sample of how I label my browsing book bins.
Here are some of the books with their labels already attached.

These are my cubbies. Each child's cubbie is labeled with a number. This makes it easy because I do not have to relabel cubbies each year.

These are my table materials.

Inside of one of my cabinets. Each container is labeled with it's contents.

These are my station materials sorted by skill. Poems and fact charts are taped back to back on hangers.

The hangers are stored on a clothing rack.

The blue containers hold my tracers and thematic folders with xeroxed materials. The 2 gallon baggies hold all of the books for that unit.

Another view of my thematic area.

The above posters are some of the charts that I use with the kids as reminders about what to do during each station.

I keep my weeks materials in file folders labeled with the day of the week. I also have a folder for that weeks homework and next weeks theme and math activities.

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