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Friday, November 18, 2011
What is Science?
At the beginning of kindergarten, we do a unit on science safety. The unit includes: What is science? What is a scientist? What do scien...
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Properties of Objects
A properties tells how something looks, sounds, taste, feels, or smells. The children loved helping me fill in the missing sounds from o...
A Leafy Science Experiment
What will happen when you add water to a leaf that has been colored red and yellow? Why, you get orange of course. Directions: Die cut...
Properties of Leaves
The kiddos loved going on a leaf walk to collect tons of fallen leaves. After we returned to class, we discussed which properties of leaves...
Learning About Characters
We have been learning about characters. A character is a person, animal or object come to life in a movie or book. We have used several d...
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