• Pass out "Goodbye, Summer- Hello, Autumn."
• Have the children fold the paper in half on the black bolded line.
• Have the children turn the paper to the side that says, "Goodbye, Summer." This side will also have a small sun icon on the top corner.
• The Ss will draw a picture of something that you can do in the summer.
• Ss will then write a sentence describing their picture.
• Repeat same procedures for the "Hello, Autumn" side. This side will have a leaf icon in the top corner.
• Teacher should record student sentence in "adult" writing on assessment sheet for later review.
Introduction to Fall
• Create a venn diagram (whole group) comparing summer to fall and characteristics of both seasons.
• Read When Autumn Come
• Add these characteristics to the venn diagram at this time.
Additional Lessons on Fall
Fall Walk
• Go outside and walk around the school. Point out characteristics of fall.
• Explain to children that they will be drawing a picture of their favorite fall thing that they saw on the walk.
• Once in side pass out half sheets of white paper. Allow children to draw fall picture with crayon only.
• Children will choose one color only of watercolors. Children will paint over the entire picture creating a crayon resist.
• Collect pictures and turn into a class quilt or staple pictures to colored construction paper to create a class book.
Color Blending
• Die cut a leaf pattern out of coffee filters.
• Explain to the class that they will be using red and yellow watercolor markers to color the entire die cut leaf.
• Explain that scientist make predictions before they begin their work. This prediction is called a hypothesis.
• Have Ss predict what will happen if the leaf gets wet after it has been colored.
• Have Ss test to see if their predictions are correct.
• After the leaf is colored, the Ss can use a water dropper or spray bottle to blend the colors.
• Ss should discuss what they notice about the colors on the leaves.
• Have the Ss assist in writing up a conclusion to the experiment.
• Pose the question: what do you think would happen if we colored another die cut leaf with red and blue markers? You may want to set up a science station where the children can test this out as well and record their findings.
• Have Ss glue the leaf into their science notebooks with an explanation of how the leaves were made.
Leaf Shape Sort
Read Leaf Man.
• Go on a walk and collect a variety of different shape, sized, and colored leaves.
• Discuss various leaf shapes. Review sorting by shape.
• Explain that the leaves will be sorted into several groups. Do not tell the class the groups yet. Have Ss look at their leaves and sort them by shape. After all of the leaves have been sorted into groups, have the children discuss how they formed their groups.
• Explain the 3 several different groups the leaves can be sorted into… hand shapes, toothed/smooth, and needled, etc. Show examples from the internet if needed.
• Have Ss sort the leaves into the specified groups and then glue the leaves into the correct circle on a sorting mat.
• This project should be glued into the science notebook.
Seasons of a Tree
• Read A Tree for All Seasons
Review some of the many shapes leaves can be.
• Discuss the parts of a leaf and how the sun creates food for the leaf and plant during photosynthesis by heating up the water and air inside the leaf.
• Look at a tree throughout the seasons and talk about what happened during the tree during each.
• Be sure to describe the leaves and their function during each season.
• Look at several seasonal pictures of trees from the internet if needed. Explain each picture to the class and discuss what color the leaves would be in each picture and why.
• Have the children use construction paper or paint to create trees the correct colors. Remind the Ss that scientist record their observations and that the observations record should always be factual.
• Have the Ss glue the trees in order on the next blank page in their science notebooks. An explanation should be glued above the pictures explain what the pictures are depicting.
Leaf Rubbings
• Ss should bring in 2 leaves. Have the Ss place their leaves at their table spot. Allow small groups of kids to walk around and look at all of the leaves.
• Brainstorm words that “describe” how the leaves are alike and different. Make a chart of Ss responses.
• Explain that the Ss will be comparing their 2 leaves to each other. They may use the list of words the class wrote as a reference if needed.
• Demonstrate how to make rubbings of the leaves. Pass out scrap paper and allow the Ss to practice.
• Have Ss make the two rubbings of their leaves. After the rubbings are complete, each Ss should record one similarity and one difference between the 2 leaves they made rubbings of.
My Fall Tree
• Read Watching the Seasons
• Chart several of these differences or changes. Make sure to chart the differences in the trees during each season.
• Explain that plants are living things. Brainstorm different types of plants: tree, bushes, grasses, and flowers.
• Go over the parts of a tree: seed, roots, trunk, branches, and leaves. Review what a fall tree looks like.
• Demonstrate drawing the ground with a seed and the roots underground. Draw the trunk and branches above the ground. Show Ss how to tear red/yellow/orange construction paper pieces the size of their thumb nails. Demonstrate how to glue them to the branches as leaves. Remind the Ss to glue some of the “leaves” falling off the tree.
• Have Ss use word cards to label the parts of their fall trees.
Sorting Leaves By Color
• Read Colorful Leaves
• On a chart, record facts about leaves.
• Sort a set of given leaves.
• Count how many of each color.
• Record results on graph.
Pattern Fall Leaves
• Read I See a Leaf.
• Cut leaves out of 3 different colors of construction paper.
• Paste onto strips of construction paper in an ABC pattern.
Summer and Fall Trees
• Read I Am a Leaf
• Add facts to chart.
• Have children create a summer and fall torn paper tree.
• Have children glue one tree on either side of a piece of construction paper
• Pass out one paper leaf to each child.
• The children will use the leaf to place in various positions. For example, place the leaf between the trees. Place the leaf above the summer tree.
All About a Leaf
• Read Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf
• Children will bring in several leaves from home.
• Children will choose one leaf to observe.
• Children will determine the size, color, and width of the leaf (measuring using non standard units) as well as draw a detailed picture of the leaf.
• Teacher will hole punch and add to science journal.
My Leaf Book
• Children will need to bring a small leaf from home.
• Pg. 1: Write name on the cover sheet.
• Pg. 2: Draw or glue leaf in the box. Write one or two words to describe your leaf.
• Pg. 3: Measure the height of your leaf in cubes and record data.
• Pg. 4: Stand in a chair and drop leaf. Count how long it takes for the leaf to hit the floor. Record data.
• Pg. 5: Place pennies on the area of your leaf. Record how many pennies it took to cover the entire surface.
• Pg. 6: Place your leaf in a tub of water. Place pennies on your leaf one at a time. Record how many pennies it takes for you leaf to sink.
Word Problems
• We looked at a fall tree. There are 4 yellow and 3 red leaves. How many leaves are on the tree?
• A scarecrow is in the field with 2 birds on it. 3 bats fly and land on the scarecrow. How many animals are on the scarecrow now?
• 5 children play in the leaves. 4 friends join them. How many friends play in the leaves now?
• My teacher has 8 apples. She gives 4 apples to her friends. How many apples does she have now?
• We have 6 cups of apple cider. 2 cups spilled. How many can we still share?
• 11 friends are at the fall harvest. 6 friends decide to go home. How many friends are still at the fall harvest?

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