Read Apples by Gail Gibbons
Create a fact chart about apples. Ask children to state several things we have learned about apples.
Ss will create a torn paper apple to work on fine motor skills.
Life Cycle of An Apple
Read I Am an Apple
Discuss the stages of the apple life cycle. Record stages with a simple illustration on the apple fact chart.
Ss will create an apple life cycle in the same style as the author of the book, Jean Marzollo. Tracers will be provided for most stages in the life cycle.
Which Fruit Will Float?
Review sink and float. Com e up with a working definition for both terms.
Sink: When an object falls to the bottom if placed in water.
Float: When an objects sits on top of the water.
Teacher will give each table a bowl of water and several different fruit.
Ss will test each fruit to determine which fruit will sink and which fruit will float.
Ss will record their results on a piece of paper and place inside science journal.
After lesson, teacher and Ss will reflect and discuss why some of the fruit sank and some of them floated.
Apple Parts
Read How Do Apples Grow?
Teacher will make a drawing illustrating the different parts of the plant (both inside and outside) and label all parts.
Ss will make a model of the inside of the apple and label parts (stem, skin, core, seeds, flesh, and leaf).
Sorting Plant Parts
Place labels for each of the parts of a plant in the pocket chart: leaves, stems, roots, seeds, flowers.
Have several different pictures of fruits and veggies to sort into the pocket chart.
Allow children to come up and place their card into the pocket chart under the correct label.
Write true statements about the class made graph onto chart paper. For example: We have 5 plants that are roots.
Ask questions… (thumbs up/ thumbs down)
o Do all plants need air?
o Can a plant live without water?
o Do all plants look alike?
o Do stems carry water to the leaves?
o Do the leaves of a plant grow under ground?
o Is sunshine bad for a plant?
o Do leaves bring food and water to a plant?
o Are trees plants?
o Do plants move to a new place once they start to grow?
o If you plant a meatball, will it grow into a meatball tree?
o Can we live without plants?
Apple Trees Through the Seasons
Read The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree
Use sticky notes to take notes about characteristics of each seasonal tree.
Have kids work in quads to create one of the seasonal trees.
Trees may be created as follows:
- Spring- green torn paper leaves, pink tissue paper buds
- Summer- green torn paper leaves, small green apples
- Fall- yellow and orange torn paper leaves red apples
- Winter- brown construction paper branches, white tissue paper snow, torn paper snowman
All Around the Apple
Children will create a construction paper replica of their apples.
Children will use a balance scale to measure the mass of the apple in bears/cubes.
Children will use a string to measure an apples circumference. The string will then be measured in bears/cubes.
Students will glue product into science journal.
Q-Tip Apple
Draw an apple onto white construction paper using a pencil. Use a Q Tip to make red, yellow, or green dots all around.
You can have the Ss watercolor over the apple and trim around it if you would like. It’s up to you.
Mounted on a 1/4 piece of construction paper backing.
Making Applesauce
Read Apples, Apples, Apples.
Cut 15-20 apples into small bite sized pieces without skin.
Place all apple pieces into electric skillet.
Cover with water.
Add 1 cup of sugar or equal and several shakes of cinnamon.
Place lid on skillet and let simmer for several hours.
Stir often and add more water if needed. The water will help to make the applesauce less chunky.
As a class, write a How to Make Applesauce paper.
Johnny Appleseed
Read a book about Johnny Appleseed
Discuss why he is a remembered American figure.
Explain that apples are special. Read A Little Red House with No Doors and No Windows and a Star Inside.
Pass out poem, "A Special Star".
Give each table group one star that has been sliced though (not down).
Allow children to paint apple flesh and stamp onto bottom of poem.
Have children discuss what they see: the star inside the apple.
“Special Star”
Take an apple round and red.
Don’t slice down, slice through instead.
Look inside it and you’ll see
A special star for you and me!
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